Adelaide Piano Lessons | Adelaide Piano Teacher:
Aberfoyle Park, Adelaide (CBD), Adelaide Airport, Albert Park, Alberton, Aldgate, Aldinga, Aldinga Beach, Allenby Gardens, Andrews Farm, Angle Park, Angle Vale, Ascot Park, Ashford, Ashton, Athelstone, Athol Park, Auldana, Banksia Park, Basket Range, Beaumont, Bedford Park, Belair, Bellevue Heights, Beulah Park, Beverley, Bibaringa, Birkenhead, Black Forest, Blackwood, Blair Athol, Blakeview, Blewitt Springs, Bolivar, Bowden, Bradbury, Brahma Lodge, Bridgewater, Brighton, Broadview, Brompton, Brooklyn Park, Buckland Park, Burnside, Burton, Camden Park, Campbelltown, Carey Gully, Cavan, Chandlers Hill, Cheltenham, Cherry Gardens, Cherryville, Christie Downs, Christies Beach, Clapham, Clarence Gardens, Clarence Park, Clarendon, Clearview, Clovelly Park, College Park, Collinswood, Colonel Light Gardens, Coromandel East, Coromandel Valley, Cowandilla, Crafers, Crafers West, Craigburn Farm, Craigmore, Croydon, Croydon Park, Cumberland Park, Darlington, Davoren Park, Daw Park, Dernancourt, Devon Park, Direk, Dover Gardens, Dry Creek, Dudley Park, Dulwich, Eastwood, Eden Hills, Edinburgh, Edwardstown, Elizabeth, Elizabeth East, Elizabeth Grove, Elizabeth North, Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth South, Elizabeth Vale, Enfield, Erindale, Ethelton, Evandale, Evanston, Evanston Gardens, Evanston Park, Evanston South, Everard Park, Exeter, Fairview Park, Felixstow, Ferryden Park, Findon, Firle, Fitzroy, Flagstaff Hill, Flinders Park, Forestville, Frewville, Fulham, Fulham Gardens, Fullarton, Gawler, Gawler East, Gawler River, Gawler South, Gawler West, Gepps Cross, Gilberton, Gilles Plains, Glandore, Glanville, Glen Osmond, Glenalta, Glenelg, Glenelg East, Glenelg North, Glenelg South, Glengowrie, Glenside, Glenunga, Globe Derby Park, Glynde, Golden Grove, Goodwood, Gould Creek, Grange, Green Fields, Greenacres, Greenhill, Greenwith, Gulfview Heights, Hackham, Hackham West, Hackney, Hallett Cove, Hampstead Gardens, Happy Valley, Hawthorn, Hawthorndene, Hazelwood Park, Heathfield, Heathpool, Hectorville, Hendon, Henley Beach, Henley Beach South, Highbury, Highgate, Hillbank, Hillcrest, Hillier, Hilton, Hindmarsh, Holden Hill, Hope Valley, Houghton, Hove, Humbug Scrub, Huntfield Heights, Hyde Park, Ingle Farm, Ironbank, Joslin, Kangarilla, Kensington, Kensington Gardens, Kensington Park, Kent Town, Keswick, Kidman Park, Kilburn, Kilkenny, Kings Park, Kingston Park, Kingswood, Klemzig, Kudla, Kurralta Park, Largs Bay, Largs North, Leabrook, Linden Park, Lockleys, Longwood, Lonsdale, Lower Mitcham, Lynton, Macdonald Park, Magill, Malvern, Manningham, Mansfield Park, Marble Hill, Marden, Marino, Marion, Marleston, Marryatville, Maslin Beach, Mawson Lakes, Maylands, McLaren Flat, McLaren Vale, Medindie, Medindie Gardens, Melrose Park, Mile End, Mile End South, Millswood, Mitcham, Mitchell Park, Moana, Modbury, Modbury Heights, Modbury North, Montacute, Morphett Vale, Morphettville, Mount George, Mount Osmond, Munno Para, Munno Para Downs, Munno Para West, Mylor, Myrtle Bank, Nailsworth, Netherby, Netley, New Port, Newton, Noarlunga Centre, Noarlunga Downs, North Adelaide, North Brighton, North Haven, North Plympton, Northfield, Northgate, Norton Summit, Norwood, Novar Gardens, Oakden, Oaklands Park, O’Halloran Hill, Old Noarlunga, Old Reynella, One Tree Hill, Onkaparinga Hills, Osborne, O’sullivan Beach, Ottoway, Outer Harbor, Ovingham, Panorama, Para Hills, Para Hills West, Para Vista, Paradise, Parafield Gardens, Paralowie, Park Holme, Parkside, Pasadena, Payneham, Payneham South, Penfield, Penfield Gardens, Pennington, Peterhead, Piccadilly, Plympton, Plympton Park, Pooraka, Port Adelaide, Port Noarlunga, Port Noarlunga South, Port Willunga, Prospect, Queenstown, Redwood Park, Regency Park, Reid, Renown Park, Reynella, Reynella East, Richmond, Ridgehaven, Ridleyton, Rose Park, Rosewater, Rosslyn Park, Rostrevor, Royal Park, Royston Park, Salisbury, Salisbury Downs, Salisbury East, Salisbury Heights, Salisbury North, Salisbury Park, Salisbury Plain, Salisbury South, Scott Creek, Seacliff, Seacliff Park, Seacombe Gardens, Seacombe Heights, Seaford, Seaford Meadows, Seaford Rise, Seaton, Seaview Downs, Sefton Park, Sellicks Beach, Sellicks Hill, Semaphore, Semaphore Park, Semaphore South, Sheidow Park, Skye, Smithfield, Smithfield Plains, Somerton Park, South Brighton, South Plympton, Springfield, St Agnes, St Georges, St Kilda, St Marys, St Morris, St Peters, Stepney, Stirling, Stonyfell, Sturt, Summertown, Surrey Downs, Taperoo, Tatachilla, Tea Tree Gully, Tennyson, Teringie, Thebarton, Thorngate, Toorak Gardens, Torrens Park, Torrensville, Tranmere, Trinity Gardens, Trott Park, Tusmore, Uleybury, Underdale, Unley, Unley Park, Upper Sturt, Uraidla, Urrbrae, Vale Park, Valley View, Virginia, Vista, Walkerville, Walkley Heights, Warradale, Waterfall Gully, Waterloo Corner, Wattle Park, Wayville, Welland, West Beach, West Croydon, West Hindmarsh, West Lakes, West Lakes Shore, West Richmond, Westbourne Park, Whites Valley, Willaston, Willunga, Willunga South, Windsor Gardens, Wingfield, Woodcroft, Woodforde, Woodville, Woodville Gardens, Woodville North, Woodville Park, Woodville South, Woodville West, Wynn Vale, Yatala Vale, Yattalunga
We are a network of University Students in Adelaide providing the very best & most engaging private 1 on 1 piano lessons in your home – in all suburbs across Adelaide
If you are looking for an eager, professional & dependable local piano teacher to come to your home in Adelaide – we will have an available teacher for you, & will be able to offer you a very affordable lesson rate.
What People Are Saying
Great! Teachers are talented and patient! My kids really enjoy their lessons with Music Lessons Academy. So many great events to participate in as well.
I love my daughter’s piano teacher. She makes piano fun. My daughter practices every, without being asked.
Featured Adelaide Piano Teachers
Here are just a few of our amazing piano teachers ready to to come to your home to teach piano
I am currently studying Science at Torrens University. I am passionate about helping students find joy and excitement in learning to play the Piano and helping to find and develop their own musical style.
Currently studying Education at Flinders University. I am excited to share my passion for playing the piano with my students and to encourage them to appreciate the joy of learning music. I had a fantastic piano teacher when I was younger and it would be so amazing to pass my knowledge on to future piano players.
Currently studying Business at Flinders University. I love being able to give students the opportunity to find a passion for music. I believe playing an instrument as versatile as the piano is an invaluable skill, so it’s a joy to share the learning experience with my students.
Studying Music at UniSA. I love seeing the students enjoy the process of learning, and finally being able to master a concept or piece. Each student is unique with their own strengths and goals and I love being their teacher to help them improve each lesson.

one of the friendly team organisers will be in contact with you within 24 hours

Frequently Asked Questions
Why learn the piano?
The piano is a great instrument to start with. This is because its very visual, and produces a great sound without having to learn how, (such as the violin or the guitar).
Because of this, it is and ideal starting instrument, especially for a young child, and this is probably why it is the number one instrument choice in the world. The piano is also the best instrument to understand music theory, (the study of the structure of music).
This is because while most instruments can only play one note at a time, the piano can play many, helping students see the musical structure. While the piano is the easiest instrument to begin, and provides a great musical foundation, it is also the hardest instrument to master.
What is the best age to start piano Lessons?
Usually 4 and up. This is hard to answer however, because music requires concentration and focus, and children are ready for this at different ages.
The best way to find out is enrol in classes and see how well the child responds. If the parents can provide some structure and oversight to practicing that makes a huge difference.
Also attendance of our masterclasses and recitals often sparks curiosity about learning the piano.
How long does it take to learn the piano?
Usually a few months to learn a simple piece.
That said, everyone learns at a different pace, and this question is difficult to answer. With regular practice a basic level of playing can be accomplished in a few months.
Also, progress tends to accelerate over time. Most of our students take lessons on a long term-basis because they want to be constantly improving and they find the lessons enjoyable.
What digital keyboards do you recommend?
We recommend any keyboard with weighted keys, so students strengthen their fingers as they play. Popular beginner digital keyboards include Yamaha P45 or P125 models.
Is it too late to learn the piano?
No. This is a question we frequently get from adults who are interested in getting back into piano after many years, or who are thinking of starting for the first time.
We fully believe that its possible to learn piano at any age, and in fact some element of learning such as the technique, theory, and reading can be faster learned by the adult mind.
How long of a lesson should I take?
For children 5 to 9 years old, a 45 minute musical lesson is sufficient. For studnets 9+ years and students who have specific musical goals such as playing in orchestra, a full 1 hour lesson is a better investment. For any advanced players a 1 hour lesson is highly recommended.
Do I need my own instrument?
Can we split a 60 minute lesson into two lessons?
If you have two students wanting to learn, we are able to divide a 60 minute lesson into two 30 minute lessons.
What happens if I leave for 2 months and come back?
If you are leaving for 30 days or longer, you have the option of holding your time and teacher for when you return by paying your normal monthly tuition.You may also withdraw completely and re- register when you return, however your time and teacher may not be available.
Do you accept the government’s Creative Kids Voucher?
Currently we are only accepting Creative Kids Voucher in NSW. We hope to accept the government voucher in other states soon.
Do I need to travel anywhere for my lessons?
We will come to your home, meaning you don’t have to fight traffic to get to after school lessons.
How can we access the MyMusicStaff student portal?
You can visit https://app.mymusicstaff.com/ to log into the student portal. Email us at musiclessons@customersupport.care to get your login details.
Is my child too young to start music lessons?
How old should my child be to begin music lessons?
Children as young as five can begin learning their instrument and basic music theory.
We are very experienced in tutoring young children who are complete beginners, and have all the patience and personality needed to engage your child and give them best start in their musical journey.
Is a 45 minute lesson too long for my child?
In our 45 minute lessons, we are able to cover music theory, technical skills alongside the songs we teach. These important aspects of musical education are often skipped over in 30 minute lessons.
How do I know my child is progressing ?
To keep our students learning and progressing, we use the Musical Ladder system. Every 3 months our students take a test with their teacher to make sure they are absorbing the material in the lessons and making progress. Our students love this system as they get to earn cool colourful wristbands and certificates as well as trophies for their achievements! Our teachers also will take the time to conference
What happens if I ( my child ) gets sick and can’t make a lesson one day?
We have group make up classes on the weekend, that are age and level appropriate. You can sign up online for as many as you would like and the make up never expires, meaning you can take the make up class a week or 2 months later.
What are your teachers qualifications?
We are highly experienced in teaching students of all ages and skill levels, and have completed the relevant exams that allow us to teach. All teachers have undertaken a government certified “Working with children” police check.
How does booking lessons work?
We offer weekly lessons, scheduled at the same time each week, with your teacher. Our lessons run throughout the school terms.
How frequently do I need to pay for lessons?
Students have the option of paying per month or term. Invoices are sent to students on a termly basis, so please let us know if you prefer monthly billing.
How does the payment work?
We ask all students to pay via direct debit or credit card. Our teachers will not accept cash. Lessons are prepaid to guarantee your placement.
Why Should You Take Piano Lessons?
We want to motivate our kids to have activities (ie things that keep them busy and are positively educational).
Important, long-term hobbies like learning the piano are some of the most worthy and long-lasting. But purchasing a piano for kids is a monetary risk that asks the question, is it worth it? YES— is the short answer.
You don’t have to go wild and buy a full-size piano before you are yet to know if the kids are interested (or have any potential). It’s more useful to start with a scaled-down variant or a digital piano till you and your kids have concluded it’s still a fun activity after the first month.
With classes such as Music Lessons Academy providing to parents needs, in-home and online piano lessons it’s effortless to get our kids started on their musical adventure— it even keeps kids entertained for periods of time (we’ve been exploring this idea through quarantine and yes, it does really work!).
There’s no need to travel to lessons but they still get to learn notes and understand a beat.
There’s a lot of research that looks into the outcomes of learning to play the piano on the advancement of children and their intellect.
Everything from increased attention to strong levels of emotional intelligence to heightened math ability has been correlated with skills credited to the piano.
Whether or not you’re searching for a project to do for learning or are solely looking for a kid-friendly outlet for stress or anxiety, we have developed up a range of possibilities for the best piano for kids and toddlers that may prompt your child’s interest.
Play on mini-Mozart!
Before your kids begin piano lessons, be sure you sit with them and have a conversation about what you require. I advise developing a practice routine, every day, even if that practice is only for them to play for a few minutes.
Start light, but start with a regular routine, and then you’ll have something to expand on as your child moves through their piano lessons to the point where they can play challenging songs on the piano.
The first lesson is essential to ascertain whether or not the juvenile child wants to advance any further with their musical education.
Please know, no child is instantly gifted with the talent to play the piano from the first lesson, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE is the key to unlocking everything there is about the piano.
Even if the first step is just to learn a note or some notes and begin to play them together, kids just need time to practice and have fun with the keys until they are ready to continue on to more important and more beneficial things.
We know that Music Lessons Academy is a great option for inexperienced piano pupils who want to initiate piano lessons, with incredible teachers that want to progress and expand your ability to play the piano at an early age to help you investigate your interest in piano and develop confidence. If your child or children wants to learn piano, start with us as we have abundant resources to help our students achieve their musical goals.
Even if your child has already commenced piano lessons and you haven’t done some of these things, no worries!
Music lessons are a continuous process, and piano students will progress as you apply these ideas at any time during their education.
Visit online at Music Lessons Academy Instagram for posts that show helpful ideas for students to learn and improve.
No other piano course offers such a detailed and complete overview of scales and chords.
You’re never more than only one click away from the piano chords or scales you were looking for.
You want to play your favorite song by ear, without having sheet music, chords or melody?
After this learning how to play the piano you will be able to sit at the piano and play any song, just by listening attentively, derive chords and melody and then play the song, by ear!
Surprise everyone playing any song on the piano with this amazing technique!
The way the course is created, with lots of songs and easy explanations of every detail, means that you will advance rapidly every day.
At a very early stage, you will already apply what you’ve learned and start playing songs. First playing the melody with your right hand, later also adding your left hand.
And what makes it a real pleasure to practice, is that you play a song together with a band that accompanies you while you are playing on your piano or electronic keyboard.
In order to play the piano or keyboard well, you have to practice scales. But only endlessly going up & down the scales is not very fun way of learning the piano or keyboard, that’s why in this course you practice the scales in songs that contain just the notes of that particular scale.
And of course, the band will accompany you in all the songs.
This makes practicing the scales a pleasure!
If you’re still not sure, why not just give it a try? It’s without any risk: if for whatever reason this is not the course for you, you can get a full refund within 30 days after purchase.
So, there’s no need to wait any longer: just hit that ‘enroll’ button and get access to more than 22 hours of video, interactive music theory exercises and to an amazing BONUS: a 110 page ebook with all the scales and chords in all the inversions with finger positions, as well as plenty of other resources (play-along files in different tempos, PDF files with sheet music for every song, …).
It only takes you one click to have access to ALL of this.
Still not convinced?
Just have a look at the promo video and the free preview videos to have an idea of how I teach, and also have a look at the course curriculum.
You will apply the theory and skills learned during the lectures in songs that you will play together with a band (play-along mp3 files and MIDI files included). In this way, practicing the notes in the scales becomes a pleasure!
Lots of practice files (mp3 and MIDI) in all 12 keys and in several tempos included
An ebook included for FREE with ALL the scales and chords in all inversions with finger positions (110 pages!) with clickable index that leads you directly to the scale or chord you were looking for
More than 450 downloadable resources! (more than any other piano course)
Clear explanations by an experienced teacher (more than 25 years of teaching experience)
Apart from the introduction section , the course consists of 6 main sections, each with a lot of lectures that will help you to advance in a steady way. The 6 main sections are:
- Scales
- Piano chords
- Other chords
- Playing by ear
- Reading music
- Improvisation
- Major scales in all 12 keys
- Minor scales in all 12 keys
- Transposing songs in other keys
- Lots of songs to practice the notes of the scales
- Circle of fifths
- Intervals
- Major triads
- Minor triads
- Dominant 7th chords
- Minor 7th chords
- Diminished chords
- Major 7th chords
- Slash chords
- Sus chords
- Lots of songs to practice the chords
- Diatonic chords in a major key
- Diatonic chords in a minor key
- Playing by ear
- Treble clef
- Bass clef
- Time signature
- Key signature
- Practice songs
- Pentatonic scale (major and minor)
- Blues scale
- The 12 bar blues
- Improvising with the pentatonic and blues scales
- Licks and riffs
- Adding rhythm in the left hand accompaniment
- Adding colors (9th, #9th, 13th) in the left hand accompaniment
- Extend the blues scale with extra notes
Who this course is for:
This course is for anyone who wants to start to play the piano: to play songs, read from lead sheets, chord sheets and sheet music, start to improvise and obtain a good understanding of music (theory).
one of the friendly team organisers will contact you soon
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