Student Music Lessons Startup On Track To Go Global
When Kayla Caruso was a first year music student at university, she thought teaching piano lessons would be a good side hustle.
She already had two pupils, so she began to advertise for more. But she had no idea what was about to happen next.
Her start-up tuition business, Piano Lessons Australia, was soon inundated with enquiries from potential students.
As her popularity skyrocketed, Kayla recruited some fellow students from her UNSW course and began to create a music teaching program.
She realised she had a point of difference that appealed to a wide market.
“A lot of people wanted a young relatable teacher who would be fun to work with,” she says. “There are a lot of stricter, more formal teachers out there and not everyone wants to commit to those types of serious lessons.”
From her small Sydney apartment, she made the decision to withdraw from her Uni course after just one year to focus on building her booming business.
The following year, with 150 students on her books, Kayla recruited young teachers for other instruments and the business became Music Lessons Academy.
Now, Music Lessons Australia has 550 students and 160 teachers operating across NSW, VIC, QLD, WA and SA, as well as expanding into New Zealand.
“We have a plan to go reach 1000 students in Australia by the end of next year,” Kayla says. “We are also launching a franchise model for the business as we continue to expand.”
Kayla’s team of teachers traveled to people’s homes to conduct one on one lessons at times that suit students, until Covid restrictions meant lessons were hosted on Zoom meetings.
When lockdowns are eventually lifted, Kayla plans to head to the UK to scope out the scene and prepare to expand there too.
“We are hiring new teachers all the time,” she says. “We give the teachers all the resources they need, books, materials and lots of flexibility around their schedules.”
So now, aged 23 and the founder and CEO of a multi-million dollar business, does Kayla still find time to play the piano?
“I still enjoy playing,” she laughs. “And I still teach my two original students, they are the niece and nephew of my high school music teacher, who I still have a close relationship with.”
For interviews, case studies and more information, contact Kayla Caruso at:

Kayla Caruso, 23, Founder & CEO of Music Lessons Academy