Is The Clarinet Easy To Learn?
So, if you’re wondering “is the clarinet easy to learn”, let me start off by telling you that learning to play any instrument takes time! Frequently, a student will ask how easy is it to learn an instrument but it always takes time and practice to learn anything. However, learning to read and play music has so many physical and physiological benefits. It is great for your brain, helps reduce stress and so much more. Please feel free to learn any instrument, however, right here, let’s talk about the clarinet…
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So, Why Is The Clarinet So Popular?
Good For Your Fitness
One of the benefits of learning the clarinet (and many other woodwind & brass instruments) is the fact it can improve your fitness and health. Bet you didn’t think of that! Playing the clarinet requires your full lung capacity and is one of the most important skills when playing a woodwind instrument. You need to be able to control your breathing, which requires a strong core. The constant breathing exercise is also like a workout for your lungs and diaphragm. To help with your breathing, it also helps to have good posture. This in turn helps to strengthen your core muscles. It’s not as easy as you think.
Improves Your Coordination
There are a lot of keys on the clarinet, much more than the 3 valves on a trumpet. Playing the clarinet will help your hand-eye coordination immensely. If you have ever watched a clarinet player, you might’ve noticed that their fingers move crazily quickly. This takes time and practice. You have to move them in the right order, whilst also reading the music, thinking about your embouchure and every different technique, and also your posture. There’s a lot of multitasking involved.
It’s a Social Instrument
The clarinet is a popular instrument in the music world and is required in many bands, such as orchestras, meaning you’ll most likely have the chance to join a band. Being in a band is more than just music. It has a massive social side to it and can be great fun and great stress relief from everyday life. You’ll be going to rehearsals, gigs, social events, and might even get to travel! Being in a band could also help your teamwork skills, which is very important. You need to be able to listen to other people, and not just yourself.
It’s Portable
Clarinets, thankfully, can be packed up nicely into a small portable case that can be carried around pretty much anywhere. Unlike a trombone, or keyboard, you can easily stick your clarinet on your shoulder or into your bag and you can be on your way to rehearsals, no problem! It’s also quite a light instrument compared to others and doesn’t require massive strength to be able to carry it or hold it when playing. Great for little arms and beginners! You generally need the ability for quick finger movements and a strong enough core to be able to blow.
The Versatility
Do you want to play jazz? Great! Do you want to play classical music? Great! Do you want to play folk music? Great! Do you like standing out on stage? Perfect! Do you like blending into the background? No problem. The clarinet can be played in many different genres of music. So, if you’re not sure what kind of music you want to play, you won’t be restricting your possibilities in the future as there is generally never just one purpose for a clarinet.
It Won’t Break The Bank
Although clarinets can be expensive, especially when you start advancing onto professional models, when learning to play the clarinet, it won’t break the bank. There are clarinets perfect for beginners out there, and they come with everything you need to get playing straight away!
Looking For Reasons Why You Should Learn To Play The Clarinet?
Before we start, if you are interested in having a clarinet trial lesson, Music Lessons Australia is a fantastic place to begin your musical journey.
If you have always wanted to learn a musical instrument, the clarinet is a great one to get started. Playing the clarinet can have a significant positive impact on both the body and brain. If you learn the clarinet and stick with it, you will start to see significant improvements in your hand-eye coordination, memory skills, as well as in your hearing and listening ability.
Playing the clarinet can also boost your confidence levels so that you can start to perceive yourself in new ways. Playing the clarinet will also allow you to grow a greater appreciation for various genres and other instruments in all their variety, which will open more doors for you musically and professionally. If you are curious about learning the clarinet, here are 10 reasons why you should consider it seriously:
10 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Play the Clarinet
1. There are different types of clarinet
You will be glad to know that there is more than one type of clarinet. When you choose the clarinet, you will get to experience different types such as the bass clarinet, which is a favorite in wind ensemble and larger bands, or the contralto clarinet, which is found regularly in most high school band halls. As such, you get to decide the type of clarinet that best works for you and your musical training.
2. It is great for beginners and even better for kids
The clarinet is a great instrument of choice for anyone that has never played an instrument before because it is easy to learn and even easier to handle, making it perfect for children and young players. Of course, things start to get complex when elements like dynamics, tuning, and tone are added to the picture, but the concepts in clarinet are easy enough to grasp especially when one is attentive and dedicated to the process of learning.
3. The clarinet will improve your executive function
Studies show that people that tale up musical instruments like the clarinet have more white matter in the brain. This helps with musical training, as well as improving the way you make decisions and the way that you process and retain information. Even better, musicians enjoy better executive brain function that also likely contributes to academic success.
4. So that you can get a memory boost
Aside from helping to improve speech processing, learning the clarinet can also magnify your memory especially your verbal memory or the way that one remembers words. Making music also seems to work great when it comes to improving one’s ability to temporarily store and use information, therefore making it easier to learn or master a complex task.
5. The clarinet is a common instrument in school bands
The clarinet is one of the more prevalent instruments in school bands and various musical school programs, which means that you will be well supported should you choose to pursue it fully. The clarinet is used commonly in many concert bands and wind ensembles and clarinet players come highly demanded by various marching and military bands.
6. It is one of the most affordable instruments available
Clarinets are very affordable compared to some other instruments like the piano and the guitar. A plastic clarinet that is well made can serve you for years and only require little maintenance costs. Higher-end clarinets, the kind that is used by professionals, on the other hand, tend to be a little pricey, but this is to be expected of any instrument.
7. It enjoys a lot of versatility
If you see yourself as a woodwind player, then you will love the versatility of the clarinet. The clarinet is a single reed instrument, one of few woodwind instruments to be that way. The quality that makes the clarinet such as quality instrument, especially for jazz musicians, is its versatility. The clarinet is often used for expression because it produces a sound that transitions easily from softer and more relaxing sounds to more aggressive ones with a wide range of notes to pitch and produce.
8. Extremely portable
The clarinet is small, which means that you can carry it easily from place to place. This portability factor also makes it an ideal instrument for young learners because it does not take much to haul it from place to place.
9. The social benefits are undeniable
The social benefits that come with playing and owning an instrument like the clarinet are undeniable. Because it is so easy to carry around, the clarinet can be played in any situation or scenario. As a clarinet player, you will be exposed to a range of social situations that will allow you to make new friends and acquaintances. Being part of a community of musicians can help you elevate your social skills, which is an important part of navigating healthy relationships in real life.
10. Improve your coordination and motor skills
There is no doubt that playing the clarinet or any other instrument for that matter, requires you to have an excellent hand, mouth, eye, and ear coordination. Getting your hands and fingers to translate musical sounds may seem easy enough, but it takes practice to perfect. For clarinet players that start very young, the height of musical coordination and motor skills also translated into other areas of life.
Conclusion – Is The Clarinet Easy To Learn?
So, there you have it! The clarinet is not hard to learn, it just requires practice and effort like any other instrument. The clarinet is a great instrument to play. There is a mountain of evidence that suggests that playing the clarinet is not only great for your mind and body, but it also has other advantages that can be transferred to other areas in life.
As a clarinet player, you can also branch out into other woodwind instruments like the saxophone and the flute. Playing the clarinet can also create more opportunities for you to socialize and make friends, as well as allow you to try out a range of styles that you never imagined trying before. All in all, the clarinet is one of the best and easiest instruments out there for a beginner and it helps that it is portable too.
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