Music Teacher Recruitment Process: What to Expect
What to expect in the music job work application process
About Music Teacher Jobs
Our jobs for music teachers offer a flexible and independent working environment
1. Submitting your music teacher work application:
The first step is to complete our music teacher work application form. Be sure to answer all the questions thoroughly – the more details the better.
We will need to receive all required details and your CV/resume. If any details or your CV is missing your application will be filed as “Incomplete” and will not be reviewed until the document is received.
In order to consider your work application for teaching in-person guitar lessons, we will need to have a full address in the city you wish to teach guitar lessons in. If you are moving soon, please wait until you have your new address confirmed before submitting a work application, as location plays an important role in the work application process.
2. Screening/review of your music teacher work application:
Provided that your music teacher work application is complete with all details and your CV, it will go into our queue for an initial screening/review.
The most important elements we look at in this review stage are your qualifications and experience with music. If you do not have a Bachelor of music degree or higher, or if music is not your principal instrument and your experience appears to be mostly on another instrument, your work application may not pass this stage.
3. Completing our music teacher questionnaire and creating your music teacher profile:
After your music teacher work application is reviewed your application may progress to the next stage. In this case you will receive an email with a link to complete our questionnaire, which assists in collecting further details which we need to create your guitar teacher profile and promote you to new potential music students.
When completing the guitar teacher questionnaire, be sure to answer all the questions thoroughly – the more details the better.
We will need to receive all required documents and attachments. For instance, if your document proving your music/music qualification is missing, your application will be filed as “Incomplete” and may not progress until the document is received.
A criminal records/background check is not required, but is useful for us to have on file when parents request a teacher who has one of these. If you have a recent criminal records/background check make sure to provide us with a scan or photo of the document, otherwise we will not be able to confirm this with parents of potential students.
You will be asked to describe your performance and professional experience on music and in music in general.
Once your questionnaire has been completed in full, with all required documents and attachments, we will create your music teacher profile and upload it our website and to our internal system to promote you as a music teacher both online and by email to potential students. You will receive an email notification once your profile is online.
During this period we may send you “student offers” via both email and text message to check on your availability for possible students. This functions as an assessment period, where we track (1) whether there are possible students to send your way, (2) whether you are able to respond promptly to email and/or SMS correspondence, and (3) whether your availability tends to match the days/times requested by the possible students.
We know you are busy, and we respect your time as a music professional, so this preliminary promotion/assessment period means that we can avoid taking too much of your time until we’re fairly sure we have students to send your way.
The preliminary promotion/assessment period can take anywhere from a few days to several months, depending on a variety of factors (especially your location) and a bit of luck, so please be patient, and know that we will contact you as soon as a suitable request appears.
5. Music teacher work interview:
If it appears as though we have music students coming in who would be good placements for you (based on a variety of factors), we may invite you to take part in a full interview.
Our full interviews take place in person when possible, and otherwise via a Skype video call.
At the music teacher work interview we will ask you detailed questions about your approach to teaching music lessons, we will hear you play the musics, and we will approve your home teaching space or studio if relevant.
You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions.
After a successful interview you will be sent a contract to read over.
If you are comfortable with the terms and conditions you can sign the contract to begin your work teaching music lessons with us.